Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Student Concert, Ambara Hotel Music Lounge, 13 June 2004

Sean played a couple of short numbers on the piano at the Student Concert and Gathering. The event was organised by a group of music teachers to celebrate the achievements of their students and to give them some experience at performing in public.
It was a very enjoyable way to spend a Sunday morning watching so many youngsters of all age groups playing for us and Sean surprised us with the confidence of his performance. He was presented with a nice trophy for his efforts and even Steve & Anita received a prize for 'the most supportive parents'. We then went off to our favourite Chinese restaurant, The Dining Palace, for a delicious dim-sum lunch.
Although it was hugely disappointing, watching England snatch defeat from the jaws of victory late that night in their Euro 2004 match against France was not bad enough to sour our day. England live to fight another day and the performance during the 90 minutes of normal time was good enough to keep our hopes alive that they can go all the way !


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