Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Planning Visit to UK, August 2004

We are planning to visit 'home' for the first time in over 3 years. The last time was the very cold Xmas/New Year of 2000/1. Being used to year-round temperatures around 30 degrees Celcius, that was a bit of a shock to our systems.
So, in the hope of more comfortable weather, we are heading for the Green & Pleasant Land in August this time.
The other big plus will be the long summer evenings that we never have in Indonesia as the sun sets around 6 pm every night throughout the year.
But most of all we are looking forward to see all our family and friends whom we miss very much and most of whom have only seen once or twice in the last 9 years.
Mum, you will need to stock up with Cumberland sausages and all the ingredients you need to make a large batch of your ginger biscuits.
Tim, prepare to get licked at Scott's Park bowling green - and for Sean to out-playstation Gareth & Christian. Sharon can have the consolation ready for you all. Jane & Ken, please consider changing the dates of your holiday in France !! Mark, prepare Sam for a jam session with Sean ! Lilian, hope you are gargling in preparation for our visit - you wouldn't want to have laryngitis such a time !Marianne please be back in Lancs for a few days in August.
Golf bags will be with the luggage, so don't expect a bearing of many gifts from the East ! - the excess rates the airlines charge are horrendous.


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