Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Back to the Grind

After a hectic 16 days in England, we are now all back into our routines in Jakarta.
Happening on the eve of our departure from Jakarta, the timing of Mum's fall resulting in a broken ankle and 2 weeks hospitalisation couldn't have been worse ! It certainly resulted in a somewhat different kind of holiday with the family than we had anticipated.
Still, hospital visits are always fun, right (?) and Anita was very happy to enjoy her old hobbies again after 10 years abstinence - because that is how long it is since she has been doing the washing-up, ironing, vacuuming, floor scrubbing and gardening. Luvly-jubbly !! Sean contented himself with his cousins at the Playstation and other computer games and watching English TV.
The weather in Lancashire was not bad for December - just a pity it was still only August. You call that 'summer' ?!
Actually the whole trip was like the proverbial football match of 2 halves. The first week in London started with scorching hot weather and we enjoyed doing the tourist rounds of that wonderful city - dressed in t-shirts and shorts most of the time. We 'did' the Natural History Museum, London Eye, London Dungeon, Buckingham Palace, River Boat, Covent Garden, Hyde Park, Transport Museum, South Bank and walked from Westminster to Trafalgar Sq to Leicester Sq to Soho to Oxford St.
Whilst there it was good to see brother Mark again with Helen and Austin, be able to have an evening at a pub by the river at Putney with him, Duncan and Toddy and finally to meet niece Caitlin (9) and nephew Max (4) for the first time ever ( !) with their older brother, Sam (12), whom we had at least known before, but only as a toddler.
We met up with Duncan & Janet with son Luke and daughter Olivia at Kew Gardens and basked in glorious sunshine. Later we went back to their home for dinner- veggie of course, but lovely.
Sean & Luke disappeared into Luke's room and they later came out with a CD they had recorded together ("Creepy Crawly") with Sean on piano and Luke on guitar. Sean was thrilled to bits ! Thanks a million Luke ! Duncan needed directions from Steve to get us back to our hotel in the evening - well he's only lived there for 30 years !
The second week (and a half) was cold, windy and wet at times but actually not bad enough to make it miserable and although for a week we were having to go to the hospital to see Mum, we did manage to get around a little and spend some time with long lost relatives and friends.
Also, Sean did get to see ManU albeit in a non-competitive testimonial match at Burnley. Still it's a decent stadium, the atmosphere was good and Sir Alex fielded the likes of Howard, Neville (Phil), Silvestre, Spector, Djemba-Djemba, Bellion, Eagles, Scholes and Giggs for the first half so he got to see some of his heroes in action.
Twice Steve went to watch brother Tim play in his crown-green bowling league and on both occasions was dragged away from the action for domestic emergencies ! We did managed to squeeze in a round of golf together, watch the Chelsea-ManU game at the pub and, with both families have a very nice dinner at the 'Waggoner's'. After ferrying us around all the time, Tim was renamed Joko - after our driver in Jakarta !
Aunt Lilian had been helping to make sure everything at Mum's house was OK for our arrival and was probably ready for a break herself. We still managed to have a good lunch with her at Fence Gate and she joined in the fun of the family gathering at sister Jane & Ken's place on our final night. Thanks 'Anticul' for everything - not least making sure there were some Cumberland sausages in the fridge !!
Jane & Ken did ultimately come back from their holiday in France a little early and that gave us a bonus of seeing them over the last 3 days. The first day was passing over wee Sophie, their grand-daughter, into their tender care after she had been with us for 3 days, the next night a delicious meal at China Cottage in Ramsbottom and, on the last night, a BBQ at their house with Ken as master chef.
Over the whole 10 days in Burnley, despite being under the weather herself, Aunt Pauline was constantly around to help, took Sean to the park several times for a run-around with her dog and took Anita bargain hunting to the Mill/factory outlet in Brierfield. Thanks Pauline.
Marianne came over to see us before she set off to the Lake District and we saw her again at the China Cottage and with Dug on the last night.
Uncle Peter & Irene came over one evening. We bumped into Uncle Ralph a couple of times at the hospital visiting Mum and had a very nice lunch with him and Ann at Ribchester.
Margaret Simpson came over a few times bearing cakes and lively (as ever) chat. Alan Pidgeon came over for tea and a chat one morning too.
Duncan came up from London to see the ManU match at Burnely and Sean & Steve had a great evening with him, Tim, Christian, old friend Ian Walker and his son Matthew.

So, all in all, despite the calamities, we had a really good time and it was great to see all the family and friends again.
Thanks to everyone for making our visit so enjoyable and memorable.
The journey back was smooth but spoiled by a young Malaysian couple in the next row who had no idea how to pacify their 3 month old baby on the plane. The little one cried nearly the whole way from Manchester to Kuala Lumpur meaning we barely slept the whole night. Resulting in much worse than usual jet-lag for all of us.
Happy to say we are all now fully functioning and back to moaning about the heat !