Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ides of March

Middle of March and all seems well. What could go wrong ? Well here in Jakarta just about anything and everything can go wrong in a heartbeat.
So we must always be alert - I remember a micky-taking poster a long time ago reminding us all to 'be alert ... because your country needs lerts '
We are hopefully coming to the end of the rainy season here so we can look forward to less traffic jams caused by flooded roads and come August be reading about areas of the country suffering from the ravages of a long drought !
Easter is a bit early this year so we have a welcome break in Singapore to look forward to in a couple fo weeks' time.
Jane & Ken have already booked heir flights to Australia for their July/August holiday with a stopover in Bali on the way. We will join them for 5-6 days whilst they are in Bali and the hotel is booked already, Ken. It's a while off yet but we are already looking forward to seeing them and 'Wee Fee'.
With Man Utd already out of the Champions League, all we can reasonably hope for is another FA Cup win.....but maybe the Ides of March have an unpleasant surprise for Chelski. It's been known to have been a bad time for another Roman ! So watch your back Mr Abramovich - maybe the Premier League title is still in the Red Devils' sights.


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