Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Blogger me !

An old friend, last seen in the mid 70's and last exchanged Christmas cards probably over 10 years ago, emailed to ask if we had been affected by the recent tsunami.
He said he got my email address from this Blog site ! What a nice surprise to hear from him and what a very pleasant side effect of blogging. Thanks Walt, it was great to hear from you and catch up with your last 25 years of news ! I hope we will now keep in touch.

Sean performed at a concert last Sunday with his friends, affectionately known as 'M5', the quads - Michael, Maxine, Michelle, Monique - and their younger sister Celine. Unfortunately the timings for the show reminded me of the old 'booze up in a brewery' line and the kids went on stage 4 hours behind schedule. The auditorium was packed with 500 people but the youngsters were not the least bit intimidated and played their 10 minute set very well. The microphone settings meant the singing did not come across too well but the piano & keyboard pieces were just great.
M5 have become firm friends with Sean. He has known them since they were all at kindergaden together when they were about 3, we lost touch for a while after they went to a different school then last year started seeing eachother again regularly. Their parents Sheila & George have become great friends of ours too and we enjoy a lot of family activities together as well as a bit of golf and Man Utd watching.
We are still amazed at how well they cope with 5 children aged 7-8, when we seem to feel challenged and sometimes exhausted with just the one ! Could it just be that it is because they are much younger than us ? !


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