Thursday, October 27, 2005

What time is it ?

As Halloween approaches we are being reminded by Sean that there is a 'trick-or-treat' party coming up next weekend. Up until about a year ago we used to think of this 'trick-or-treat' thing as a childish, American thing. Now we find we haven't the heart to disparage the practice in front of our son who is gleefully looking forawrd to the occasion ...and we don't have the opportunity to take him to Pendle Hill and fill his head with tales of 'real' witches.
Thankfully, he is being invited to a friend's home for Halloween with the 'trick-or-treating' followed by a sleepover. So we can just let it pass and go out for a nice quiet dinner.

After that though, is the even more pleasant prospect of a 6-day break in Singapore, staying at the famous old Goodwood Park Hotel. Walking the streets, riding buses, taking the underground (MRT), eating by the river, cycling by the beach - all things not possible in Jakarta, well some of those things are possible but definitely not advisable in Jakarta.


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