Monday, October 04, 2004

Jakarta Junior Soccer League 2004

Team Germany played their 5 th game of the season in the Jakarta Junior Soccer league season, on Saturday with a comfortable 5-0 win over England. Star player Josh bagged 4 goals after his hat-trick last week, and 2 the previous week. That boy is a real scoring machine. Sean contributed a couple of assists and had a shot fly just over the bar. However he is more at home in a holding midfield position and getting up into attack for set-pieces.
The kids are randomly allocated to the teams in this league and Team Germany has not a single German in its ranks with 1 Brit, 2 Japanese, 1 Malaysian, 1 Philippino, 2 Korean, 1 Czech, 1 Canadian,1 Pakistani. England does not have an English child in their team either ! With 3 wins and 2 draws in their games so far, Germany is proving to be a force and whilst Josh's goals have certainly been a major factor, the togetherness and teamwork has been excellent - and probably the most striking feature.
Having got a huge buzz out of Wayne Rooney's stunning debut for MU last week, we were all revved up for the Star Sports live broadcast of United's EPL game against Middlesbro on Sunday night. What a let down to see them struggle to a 1-1 draw at Old Trafford! Maybe Sir Alex should sign up Josh now !