Monday, November 01, 2004

Ups and Downs

Being under the weather for a few weeks is depressing but when you feel better it is a good reminder of how great it is to just feel OK !
Difficult to work effectively and efficiently, almost no social life, no golf, missing a couple of Sean's football matches, being short tempered with the loved ones, not even enjoying meals or an occasional drink and generally feeling miserable are just a few of the consequences of being ill. After such a miserable September and early October - apart from managing to put on a decent 'show' for Sean's birthday thanks to extra medication for the day - Steve is now, thankfully, back to 'normal'.
We were certainly gee'd up by the last few games of the Junior Soccer League. They were great and Germany ended up with a 5 wins, 2 draws, 0 defeats in the regular season and a 2-1-1 record in the round-robin tournament on the final day in which they were seeded with 4 other teams with the strongest regular season record. The sole defeat was to a single goal from a speculative high kick forward by an opponent that floated over the 'keeper and dropped in under the crossbar. Whilst it was probably their worst performance of the whole campaign and a game they certainly did not look like winning, they were a bit unlucky to lose their unbeaten record in such a manner.
Still, this league is not really about winning. It is more about introducing the young ones to team sport, to rotating positions and learning the different roles and to the camraderie and sportsmanship of the game. The final league table is deliberately not published by the organisers, much to their credit, which helps to keep alive the spirit of the 'league' and prevents the focus from shifting to it being all about winning.
Nearly all the parents take it in this same spirit too but, of course, there are one or two who appear to be doing an apprenticeship for the type of parenting that has been seen creeping into professional sporting circles (especially tennis) and they could do with some counselling about their child's sporting activities and their own involvement and contribution towards their child's development. No names, no pack drill, but we were sickened by the sight and sound of one father giving his 7 year old son a torrent of criticism, abuse and blame after their team's defeat in a very closely fought encounter. After the boy was finally reduced to tears on the touchline, it was extremely hard for Steve to refrain from having a word a quiet word !
From what we heard, that guy was teaching his son that the rest of the team didn't matter and that he could and should have won the game single-handedly and that it was his fault that the team lost ! He was also unwittingly teaching his son that football is something he does in which he is expected to meet his father's expectations and where his dad gets disappointed, angry and shouts at him. This is hardly likely to fill the boy with undying enthusiasm for the game ! And even if he remains keen on the game, it is unlikely to help make him a good team player - and that means he will not realise his potential. That would be a crying shame as that particular boy is one of the most naturally talented 7-8 year olds around.
In the last 2 weeks, Steve has also reaquainted himself the other 'beautiful game' - golf - and much to his surprise and delight after a longish lay off, played well on both occasions. However, Steve hasn't quite swallowed Anita's theory that he would play better and be much happier if he reduced his schedule to one game a month instead of the once-a-week routine ! Nice try Anita !
Anita and Steve played together in a 'Texas scramble' format last week and shot a gross 6 under par 66 ! A staggering score even without taking into account that Anita had not played for over 3 months and Steve had only played twice in 2 months. A happy day for the Cullens as Anita also won the ladies longest drive and Steve won the nearest the pin prize.
To avoid conflicting methods and ideas of two piano teachers, Sean is learning percussion in the school music activity. Steve seems quite enthusiastic about getting Sean a drum kit and has already been trying some out at a shop where they have all the instruments and sound-proof rehearsal rooms/studios. Anita seems a little less keen - she is already weary from constantly telling Sean to turn the volume down the TV and the hifi ! Hey-ho. pass the paracetamols !!