Friday, December 23, 2005

And There Goes Another One !

It seems like only a few seconds ago, I was rambling on about the speed of time passing and here we are already at the end of another year. Scary indeed.
Does anybody know where 2005 went ? Better not spend too much time trying to figure that out, otherwise the next time you look up there'll just be enough time to do the Christmas shopping for 2006.

This year we will not be going away for Christmas/New Year. A quiet family Christmas Day at home then on Boxing Day a Turkey dinner at our place with a few close friends - 8 adults and 11 kids - and we are really looking forward to it.

Sean seems to have moved on rapidly from the 'don't know what I want' state he was in around his birthday ! Now he wants everything ! Well, I remember Grandma used to say " 'I want' doesn't get !" It always seemed to me to be quite a smart thing to say - but putting it into practise with your own child at Christmas time is proving to be a challenge.

We will be playing golf at least every other day and enjoying having the rest and relaxation time together. It's been a hectic year and Anita and I are a bit knackered.

Wishing all our friends and blog readers A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Now that's the closest I've got to sending myself a Christmas card !