Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another New Year

2006 flew by so fast it seemed like we hardly had time to take a breath. We had a great holiday in Thailand in July- 4 days in Bangkok, 5 days in Hua Hin (playing golf). We also met up with old friends Alan, Anchena and their children Alana and Anthony, who came up from Australia.

Sean started year 5 at the British Internatonal School in September and had his 10th birthday on the 19th of that month. He is growing fast and still loving school, football and golf.

We had a very nice Christmas in Singapore and then went over to Johor Baru (Malaysia) for 4 days at the Palm Resort. Almost constant rain but not enough to prevent us from playing 3 consecutive days of golf. We saw in the New Year at home with a few friends and before we knew it, back to work and school.

The 2007 JSFA Coca Cola League (www.jakarta started on 13 January and after an incredibly successful season in 2006, is set to raise the bar even higher this year. There are even more schools particpating this year and everyone is looking forward to another great season.